The 5 Core Parts You Need To Build A Hydraulic System

All hydraulic systems, from the most complex to the most basic, depend on a small number of core parts that they share in common. By understanding and utilising these ‘building block’ components, design engineers can customise their hydraulic devices to undertake a very wide range of tasks and applications. Read on to find out more […]

How To Design An Efficient Hydraulic System

Hydraulic systems combine physics with technology. Finding the perfect blend results in machinery that is powerful and efficient. The basic mechanics underpinning a hydraulic system are easy to understand, but creating an optimised result requires experience. Here’s a quick overview:

Why Size Matters With Hydraulic Hose Assemblies

Any modern hydraulic system more complicated than a simple push-and-return piston relies on hydraulic hoses to work. Hoses are made up of a rubber interior and exterior with a flexible metal framework, allowing for the transfer of hydraulic fluid (oil) from one point to another in the loop.  

What Should I Look for in a Replacement Hydraulic Pump?

Even with proactive maintenance and high-quality repairs, all long-running hydraulic pumps need replacing or upgrading at some point. Metal fatigue, random breakdowns, new technological advances, or sudden changes to your system, activities, or loop can all mean that you’ll suddenly find yourself in the market for a new hydraulic pump.

Why Is My Hydraulic Pump Running Slowly?

A slow running or underperforming pump is a frustrating problem as it prevents the hydraulic system from operating at capacity or with sufficient power. Identifying the cause can causes extensive system downtime, as there are various reasons why a hydraulic pump may operate sluggishly.

Does My Application Need A Hydraulic Or Pneumatic System?

In engineering, fluids (whether liquids/hydraulic, or gases/pneumatic) play a significant role in the design and construction of systems and machines. The study of fluids enables engineering applications in a variety of designs and structures, ranging from medical equipment to irrigation systems. Hydraulics and pneumatics focus on the mechanical qualities of liquids and gases respectively. How […]

How To Choose The Right Hydraulic Motor

Hydraulic systems use pressurised fluid to operate arms and pistons with extraordinary strength. While that’s great for industry and manufacturing, we shouldn’t forget their many other uses, too. One often-overlooked application is as a driving force for industrial-strength motors.

3 Hydraulic Design Trends You Can’t Afford to Miss This Year

Despite having been around for centuries, Hydraulic engineering is still dynamically evolving. Innovations and improvements emerge all the time. New products make hydraulic equipment smarter, smoother, and more powerful. The rise of digital technology and automation is changing the way industrial hydraulics work rapidly, too. Here are the three emergent hydraulic trends that we’re most […]

What NOT To Do When Working On Hydraulics

Hydraulics offer excellent directional power and control when it comes to lifting, moving, and excavating heavy loads. However, hydraulic systems can also be highly dangerous if used incorrectly or handled carelessly. Accidents, serious injury, or death can result from maintenance and tasks going wrong. This isn’t always the fault of an arm, or boom failure, […]

What Can I Use Hydraulics For?

A hydraulic machine is any device that uses confined, pressurised fluid to generate movement, lift, or strength. While using water or oil in this way is an ancient principle, advances in hydraulics mean that they’re commonly found today in industry, agriculture, leisure, and domestic spaces. Vehicles, too, rely on hydraulics to power their brakes, steering, […]