Which Festo Pneumatic Cylinder Do I Need?

Getting down to deciding on which Festo pneumatic cylinder or actuator to choose, starting from a blank sheet of paper, is a bit like saying “Build me a house.” You may not get what you want without a good deal of clarity about your requirements. The range of options is wide and may be confusing at first glance. Building up the requirement in layers of moderate granularity eventually results in a high-level candidate product specification. That should indicate a range of products or product ranges that are likely to be fit for purpose. After that, you have options to consult with experts or to sift through a range of technical product specifications to narrow down your search. Regardless of how you end up, the start point must be a clear and detailed picture of the requirements that covers as many product characteristics as possible. Continue reading “Which Festo Pneumatic Cylinder Do I Need?”

How To Crimp Hydraulic Hose Fittings

Getting the crimp just right is a critical element of successful and reliable hydraulic hose maintenance. Therefore it requires the correct tools for the job and a methodical and professional approach. Rushing may result in an under-crimped or over-crimped connection, which means trouble down the line.

  • Under-crimping may permit fluid to travel back up the hose beneath the outer casing, thus causing blistering and weakening the hose
  • Over-crimping may compress the end fitting, resulting in constricted flow or even blockage of the fluid payload

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How To Source The Correct Pneumatic System Components Without Hassle

For many readers, ordering pneumatic parts may be a rare activity, while others may even have personnel dedicated to that type of procurement. Either way, it pays to have identified suppliers with at least some of these vital characteristics before the need to order a part arises. When a line or machine stops because of a pneumatic system failure, every hour can be costed as a loss to the bottom line and maybe even customer contract or SLA/OLA breaches. Simply put, it’s serious. A little preparatory homework can knock hours or even days off the outage duration. Continue reading “How To Source The Correct Pneumatic System Components Without Hassle”